Wednesday, February 23, 2011


OMG!! I still am in shock a month later!! This was my first time competing at the state level and I was not expecting to leave Baton Rouge as Mrs. Louisiana America 2011. The pageant took place in Baton Rouge at the Shaw Center. The delegate dinner the night before was at the wonderful Tsunami resturaunt, where Carla and I tried sushi for the first time!! We had a blast and the husbands also got along great and were very patient while waiting on all the women. I really appreciate my husband, Jacob and all of his support during the competition.

The next day began early with rehearsals for opening number. Our theme was "Join Mrs. Louisiana America  for a Rouge Soiree". We danced to Katy Perry's "Firework", it was great and it was the first time that I ever 'got' all the steps for opening number. However, once I got on stage I did everything backwards!!

Showtime began and I was super pumped! I had a great time during the competition. The best part was hearing my family cheering from the crowd. It was so heartwarming to hear my 2 1/2 year old son cheering for me, he really made me put on a 'real' smile.

Before I knew it competition was over, and it was time for awards.
Pagentry Spirit: Carla Smith
Congeniality: Allison Whitstine (thanks ladies!!)
Photogenic: Sandy Guidry
Interview Award: Laura Valenti
Swimwear Award: Allison Whitstine
Evening Gown Award: Allison Whitstine
3rd Runner Up: Carla Smith
2nd Runner Up: Sandy Guidry
1st Runner Up: Laura Valenti

As Laura and I were standing there I was completely content with winning Mrs. Congeneality.
 I would have went home happy with just that title. Mrs. Congeneality means so much to me. Knowing that I made that kind of impression on such beautiful and talented women means a lot. However, I was also called for the Swimwear Award and the Evening Gown Award. At this point I was still not prepared for the announcement of first runner up and the winner. When Laura's name was called for first runner up, and the I heard the words 'your new Mrs. Louisiana America is Allison Whitstine', my knees buckled and I just began crying.
I also had the honor of being crowned twice since my crown fell off and rolled across the stage!! Thankfully, Olivia ran it down and 're-crowned' me!!

The feeling was indescribable and I still cannot believe that I was crowned. The best part was having my family and friends rush the stage after crowning and having pictures made. I am so thankful for my family who supported me throughout the preperation for competition and competition night. I also want to thank Mrs. Shelly, my local director, and Miss Camellia City Hilary Herlinger. It was great to have a cheering section!!

Olivia and I after crowning.

The queen and her court.

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